We have the most
affordable prices
Our prices are not high. They are not designed for us to make a profit. They are designed for you so you can get the exercise you do need. We will make sure you always get the most affordable workout within minutes. We cover all sorts of exercising possibilities, we have the highest rated trainers and so much more. IN a nutshell, we have everything you will ever need.
The prices you can see below are per a month. If you want, we can calculate and give you a discount for a longer period of membership. Anyway, we know that our prices are the most affordable in the industry and we are proud with that.
The plans are always available obviously. But, discounts you can see below are always available as well. Now you can enjoy them through the year and you can always get the ultimate membership plan according to your budget. Now is the time for you to start getting more for less. Yes that is possible, but with our help only.
Level 1
with 44% discount
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